A planet of active, collaborating citizens continuously learning from each other how to best solve our most pressing, comprehensive problems. Communities of joy, where unleashed, connected talent provides a rich and unlimited source for high-quality, fulfilled living.
“Engaging learning from an authentic place in you, to successfully engage authentic challenges and opportunities in and beyond the world.”
Working principles:
1) Excellence: Accelerated, customized, high-performance personal and community learning which seriously reduces the amount of time to learn while increasing achievement.
2) Transformation: Learning ignited as a personally-and community-connected source of empowerment and talent development, rather than as alienated obligation.
3) Activism: De-institutionalized learning providing grass-roots democratic access to its power, especially among marginalized learners and learning environments—home schools, charter schools, learning disabled, creative, gifted, and non-conventional learners.
“If not us, then who? If not now, then when?– John Lewis/Rabbi Hillel