The Zeus Experiment

So we are kicking off The Zeus Experiment. (There, see that, I already inserted a hyperlink with html code… baby steps, baby steps.) I am interested in creating not only an attractive, manageable site, but a real online business helping others transform their lives by transforming the way they learn.  And I am willing to walk my talk. I will be the public proverbial guinea pig in transfoming my own learning in unfamiliar territory. From the initial intro to The Zeus Experiment:

Like many of you trying to develop a web business, I’m smart and motivated, but completely bewildered by the flood of options out there. What can I really do with all the random apps, free content, and webinars thrown at me online all day long?

(Okay, don’t be too impressed with the above text box.  I swiped the html code and just inserted my quote.  But fake it until you make it right?)

I am comfortable with using social media on the front end, but much less versed on how to design, produce, and manage the technical and business strategy and layouts on the back end.   It’s a learned craft skill to assemble what you need, leave out what you don’t, and make progress.

I want a platform for my powerful content, a “product” place to showcase what I can do for others, and eventually an advice and  community forum.  You can’t do that very successfully without knowing how to manage a website and develop an email subscriber list.

I started doing this because I’ve written some very successful guest posts on new ways to understand debt and debt forgiveness. (This article had over 27,000 reads on one site alone).  I realized people are looking for new ways to learn about the economy… and education, and spirituality, and a host of other areas. Current approaches are simply not working.

But I didn’t have a way to channel this desire, because I did not have a website the could receive and focus this desire in such a way that I might serve it with my own abilities.

So now I am working with Tea Silvestre, aka The Word Chef (who also happens to be a “web wizard”) to develop an understanding of what I have to offer and how I can begin to link and develop lasting relationship with an audience to address their needs, make a living, and improve the world.

Wish me luck. This is going to be fun… and quite a ride.

  • Oyunu says:


    The Zeus Experiment…